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From Cross the Hurdles
(Created page with "{{CTHGlobal}} {{CTHStory |CTHStoryFormalName = Pooja Sharma |CTHStoryInformalName = Pooja |CTHStoryGender = F |CTHStoryPersonPhoto = Pooja.jpg |CTHStoryLocation = New Delh...")
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|CTHStoryAboutPerson =Relentless efforts and a strong will power have been behind Pooja's rehabilitation. She is definitely an achiever.
|CTHStoryAboutPerson =Relentless efforts and a strong will power have been behind Pooja's rehabilitation. She is definitely an achiever.
'''Pooja's story in his own words'''
'''Pooja's story in her own words'''
I had a tumor on backbone by birth which was operated upon when I was just 40 days old. Due to the negligence of the surgeon, my nerves got damaged and hence disabled my lower body completely, making me a full time wheelchair user. I have Bifida (not sure about exact medical terminology). It has no cure in medical science so far! ".
I had a tumor on backbone by birth which was operated upon when I was just 40 days old. Due to the negligence of the surgeon, my nerves got damaged and hence disabled my lower body completely, making me a full time wheelchair user. I have Bifida (not sure about exact medical terminology). It has no cure in medical science so far! ".
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'''Favorite movie(s)'''  
'''Favorite movie(s)'''  
Devdas (Sharukh Khan) I madly love all the dialogues in this movie (jab ek baath hothi thi, mein tumhe yaad kartha hoon, jab jab saanse letha hoon, thab thab), Arth, Hangover, Before Sunrise. 50 First Dates. I like parallel/offbeat cinema.
Taare Zameen Pe, Page 3, Corporate.
'''Favorite books'''  
'''Favorite books'''  
A walk to remember. Nicholas Sparks books.
I like Chetan Bhagat's novels, and apart from this I mostly read religious books.
'''Favorite color'''  
'''Favorite color'''  
Green, all shades
Pink and Black.
'''Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life.'''
'''Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life.'''
Took pictures with almost 20 beautiful air hostess on Emirates flight on my trip to San Diego California.
Yet to do.
'''Most Valuable thing that you have purchased till now'''
Building a home for my mother.
'''If you are marooned on an island what 5 things you would like to keep with you'''
'''If you are marooned on an island what 5 things you would like to keep with you'''
a)Anushka Sharma
My wheel chair, spectacles, mobile phone, food, & TV.
b)Manisha Koirala (when she was young)
c)Rekha (when she was young)
d)Angelina Jolie
e)Drew Barrymore
'''Favorite food'''
'''Favorite food'''
Hyderabadi Dum Chicken Biryani. Chipotle.
North Indian
'''Your biggest strength'''
'''Your biggest strength'''
Smiling..no matter however sad I am.
I never give up and that’s my biggest strength.
'''The thing(s)that you hate'''
'''The thing(s)that you hate'''
Moody people
I hate people who have negative attitude towards life.
'''The first thing you do right after awaking up in the morning'''
'''The first thing you do right after awaking up in the morning'''
Till today, whenever I wake up, I sometimes forget that my father has passed away. I think is it really true ? and after few seconds I realize it is indeed true. I wish some day, it turns false.
I thank God for the blessed life.
'''What was your resolution on New Year'''
I don’t believe in all such things. Don’t need New Year to bring changes to my life.
'''The last thing you think before falling asleep in the night'''
'''The last thing you think before falling asleep in the night'''
Tomorrow I will meet my dream girl.
I thank God for everything he has given me.
'''You prefer sons or daughters'''
'''You prefer sons or daughters'''
Sons and daughters/ twins
'''Oft-repeated word/sentence by you'''
'''Oft-repeated word/sentence by you'''
Always smile, you never know someone might fall in love with you.
I’ll not quit until the battle is won. I keep repeating this sentence because it gives me courage and strength.
'''If world is going to be destroyed in next 5 minutes. What would you do during this time'''
'''If world is going to be destroyed in next 5 minutes. What would you do during this time'''
I will be bewildered and get close to my mom to spend those few minutes, because that’s the purest love you could get.
I will completely surrender myself to God because I believe whatever he is doing is good for everyone.
'''The best gift that somebody can offer to you'''
'''The best gift that somebody can offer to you'''
I don’t expect gifts
'''The town/country that you want to visit'''
'''The town/country that you want to visit'''
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'''If you can meet one person of your choice, dead or alive, known or not, who would this be'''
'''Your bedroom take fire what would you rescue at first'''
My Dad. He passed away in 2003, just one week after I wrote my last engineering exam. He used to carry me on his shoulders starting from my school till my engineering. When someone asks my dad “do you think your son will get job”, he used to say, "it is just for my son satisfaction I am getting him educated. Even if he does not get a job, I will keep him in my eyes and take care of him life long". I wish if he could see whatever little success I achieved now. I really miss him.
Depends. If I am alone then I’ll rescue myself because if I am alive then I can gather all the things again which I have lost in fire. But if I am with my family or my dear once then I will save them first.
|CTHStoryMainText =
|CTHStoryMainText =
'''How do you manage your day to day activities...a brief description i.e. with somebody's help or you are able to cope up with routine activities yourself?'''
''Did you find any problems while you were doing your studies/ job. I mean did lack of infrastructure in the Indian scenario pose any kind of problems for you?'''
I live with my mother, but then do all my work on own. I do all my chores on wheelchair. My office cab comes to pick me, I go near cab with my wheelchair, and shift inside cab. I have kept one wheelchair at office, once I reach office, the security person or my cab driver gets the wheelchair which is in reception, and I get on to it, then go to floor on my own. I rarely sit on wheelchair, only when I need to move I use it. Otherwise I would shift to normal chair. Whenever I want to go out for shopping or sight seeing, I book cab and carry personal chair. I do not take any help wherever I can manage myself. If the ramps are steep or roads are uneven I seek my friend’s help. Luckily all through my life I have had good people around me. They do not treat me differently, they feel that I am competitive in every thing. Now before I go to any place, I enquire about it, whether it is accessible. I have been to United States, Dubai. Have not faced a single issue. Those places are paradise for wheelchair users.
Yes, I have faced lots of challenges not because of my disability but because of infrastructure and due to narrow Indian mindset towards a disable person. Most of the people see disable person under different line which posed lot of problem for me. My College at graduation level was not completely disable friendly! There were no elevators, though there were ramps & disable friendly washroom. But sometimes classes were conducted on first floor &I had no option but to miss them.
As per government norms, Govt colleges & organizations should be disabled friendly. But is this really true? I doubt!  There are lot of colleges and public sector undertakings which are not at all disabled friendly. In spite of being a private college, Jaypee Business School was completely friendly and I never faced any problem.  
Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life! But Even after obtaining a good level of education I faced lot of problem in getting a good job just because of Indian infrastructure as most of the organizations were not disabled friendly & more importantly mindset of the employers is not disabled friendly! Finally, I got an opportunity to work with Jaypee Group. They realized my hidden potential & gave me an opportunity to work with them. They made all the necessary arrangements for me & even today they consider me a valuable asset & always take care of my basic needs.
'''What do you think about marriage and life partner?'''
I am looking forward for Govt job and am giving examination for the same. But what I am finding is that even the exam centers are not disable friendly. Imagine an exams being conducted on second floor (with no lifts) for a disable person. It’s a mockery of the system and humiliation of the individual.
I don’t like the perceptions that people with disabilities (PWD’s) should marry only disabled. Does that sound right ? Is this not discriminating ourselves? I am not against marrying disabled. But I don’t like if it is set as rule. Ideal girl in my view should have individuality, strong-hearted, and should have respect for elders.
'''Where do you see yourself after 10 years from now?'''
'''How do you manage your day to day activities. Please give us a brief description whether it is with somebody's help or you are able to cope up with routine activities yourself?'''
May be starting my own software company or doing some business.
My home & workplace are completely disabled friendly which makes me even more independent. I don’t need any assistance or help in doing my routine work, I am completely independent. All help I need is a driver to drive me to office.
'''There is no second thought on the matter that we are many times discriminated due to our challenges but if you face a situation, then how do you cope up with such feelings?'''
Many times I felt discouraged. Even my college staff used to ask me, why I took  risk of coming to college. They say even if I complete studies, I would not get any job, why I was wasting money and straining my parents, I used to get very down. Those days as Internet was not popular, I did not know if there are any people like me who are successful in life. So, I always got into depression. But then my father used to encourage me. He used to say, "Do not worry about job, just finish your studies and lets see. May be you can think of your own business like starting a Petrol bunk or a Gas Agency". My mother too used to boost my confidence, and then again I get back to normal thinking and used to get more focused in studies. I used to think only one thing, that if a normal person doesn’t get education, he will have many other options for livelihood, they can travel to any place, work at any place. But that’s not the case with me, education is very very important, as the other options which normal person have are not feasible. That fear used to haunt me, and which made me to focus more on education.
'''Do you feel India is a disabled friendly country? What are your hopes from Accessible India Campaign?'''
My schooling didn’t go smooth, to take an example, my engineering college is 7 floor building, I have chosen that college because it had elevator, but the elevator used to work only 2 days a week and would be down because of some or other issue for rest of the days, still I used to go to college, sit on ground floor till the evening and collect notes from my friends. The reason I use to go to college even when I know elevator doesn’t work is to make parents feel happy, otherwise they would get really sad thinking even though they have put in efforts in sending me to college, still am not even able to get to the classroom.
In my resume I never put my physical condition status and whenever I go for interviews I used to get rejected saying that this job may not be suitable for you or there is lot of travel involved or our work place is not accessible, and some wouldn’t even mention the reason. I waited for 2 long years to get a job in MNC, and then joined Dell International Services, Hyderabad and since then there is no looking back.
Let’s be honest, India Is not a disabled friendly country! Most of the places are still beyond the reach for a wheelchair user. But as I can see that lot of people have joined hands to work towards the development & welfare of disabled people, I hope things changes.
'''What all needs to be done to make India a disabled friendly country since you have visited US and you can easily compare between the two places?'''
Accessible India Campaign is a program which is set to be launched to serve the differently-able community of the country. I expect this campaign to build an environment where disables are treated at par with normal people be it in terms of education, employment or accessibility. I wish that India would become a better country to live in for persons with disabilities.
India is nowhere comparable to US in providing facilities to PWD’s. They are so strict in following the laws. Every citizen knows about the ADA (American Disability Act) act, even if you ask school going kid, they will talk about this law. They take good care for even a small aspect in making places accesible. Would you believe if I say that I have not taken the help of a single person for pushing or lifting my wheelchair anywhere. Every restaurant, coffee shop, shopping places, theaters, public places have well designed ramps which would movement easy. I could just peddle myself to anywhere I want. It was such amazing experience, have not felt that I have some physical problem. Even people would not offer you help, they think its an offense to offer help unless you ask for. They treat you so nicely and equally. Here in India people give weird looks when you go out to a public place.  In USA even kids are very matured, I really really liked everything about America. I found wheelchair users everywhere and every place I visited, more than what I have seen in India. There are dedicated parking places for them and nobody can dare to use them, if they are not disabled. Even here in India we have laws, but they are not followed properly, and many times the government bodies doesn’t enforce these laws strictly, they would exist only on paper. In USA, wheelchair users have many options, they can play any sport they want, everything is so easy there, you just need to think and you will be surprised to see that it is already thought of and can easily be done. The entrance to the wheelchair users is always from the main entrance only, unlike in India some places we need to go via back door or backyard or service elevators. I respect India and as it is my mother land, but people talk so big about our culture, our customs, but for me they don’t mean anything, first respecting your fellow mate is important, and treating everyone with equality is very important, which exists in US. I do not blame entirely on government, even people have to be sensitized and do their bit to build an inclusive society. And one thing to keep in mind is, the accessible places are not just meant for people who born with disabilities, but they can be leveraged by people who have met with accidents, elderly people and suffering with some or other disease. So, everyone of us will go through this phase, imagine when you are old and if someone asks you to be at home because the places are not accessible and they cannot carry you, you will be house bound watching 4 walls around you. So, we need to wipe off the thought its not my problem and start realizing it is everyone’s problem and its our duty to fix it.
'''Have you ever felt any kind of emotional outbursts or complexes due to your physical status? If yes then how do you manage the change in your emotional reactions in different stages in your life?
'''Have you ever felt any kind of emotional outbursts or complexes due to your physical status? If yes then how could you manage it?? change in your emotional reactions in different stages in your life?'''
The only reason I get reminded of my disability is for marriage. Whenever I talk to people for marriage, I introduce myself with my disability first, and immediately the other party would end the conversation. They would not even want to know any other thing about me.
No, I haven’t come across such situation till now. Yes I have faced problems but that’s because of Indian infrastructure not because of my physical status.
'''Have you ever been discriminated because of your disability?'''
Yes. My dad’s parents were against me getting educated. They thought it was waste of money and time. They discouraged me to a great extent; they many times asked my dad to utilize money spent on my education to buy assets on my name, so that I would have means of livelihood. But now no one dares to repeat the same and now they take my example and ask their children and grandchildren to follow my steps.
'''What are your hobbies or leisure time activities?'''
'''What are your hobbies or leisure time activities?'''
Watching romantic movies. Reading love stories. Knowing different cultures. Making friends, learning and exploring technologies.  
In my free time, I like music, hanging out with friends (though not many left, as most of them are married have their own lives),apart from this, I like observing new people. I am very spiritual, love reading religious books in my leisure time. But one thing which I like doing most is helping others in whatever way I can.
'''How do you react when somebody pities you?'''
'''How do you react when somebody pities you?'''
I pity them back, saying how immature they are. We can overcome physical deformities, but maturity and mental issues are really tough to overcome.
I haven't come across such situation because I never let others feel pity on me. I believe others will see you the way you want them to see you. It entirely depends on how you present yourself in front of others, if you present yourself as a stronger person in front of others who is not scared of facing challenges, then nobody will feel pity on you.  
'''What message you would like to give to the person with disabilities?'''
'''Who has been your greatest motivating force in your life?'''
I believe that God never does injustice with anyone. If he takes something away from you, it means he is emptying your hand to give you something better & all the person who are disabled are actually very special because they have some different kind of qualities in them which makes them different and special from rest of the world.
My father, mother, brother & sister (younger to me). Without them I would not have been in this position.
I want to share one thing which I have learnt from my experiences and that is believe in yourself, and never give up, have a strong will power because if you have strong will power & determination then nothing in this world could stop you from leading a successful life.

Latest revision as of 08:40, 26 April 2016

Copyright © 2010 Cross the Hurdles. All rights reserved.
Relentless efforts and a strong will power have been behind Pooja's rehabilitation. She is definitely an achiever.

Pooja's story in her own words

I had a tumor on backbone by birth which was operated upon when I was just 40 days old. Due to the negligence of the surgeon, my nerves got damaged and hence disabled my lower body completely, making me a full time wheelchair user. I have Bifida (not sure about exact medical terminology). It has no cure in medical science so far! ".
Did you find any problems while you were doing your studies/ job. I mean did lack of infrastructure in the Indian scenario pose any kind of problems for you?'

Yes, I have faced lots of challenges not because of my disability but because of infrastructure and due to narrow Indian mindset towards a disable person. Most of the people see disable person under different line which posed lot of problem for me. My College at graduation level was not completely disable friendly! There were no elevators, though there were ramps & disable friendly washroom. But sometimes classes were conducted on first floor &I had no option but to miss them. As per government norms, Govt colleges & organizations should be disabled friendly. But is this really true? I doubt! There are lot of colleges and public sector undertakings which are not at all disabled friendly. In spite of being a private college, Jaypee Business School was completely friendly and I never faced any problem. Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life! But Even after obtaining a good level of education I faced lot of problem in getting a good job just because of Indian infrastructure as most of the organizations were not disabled friendly & more importantly mindset of the employers is not disabled friendly! Finally, I got an opportunity to work with Jaypee Group. They realized my hidden potential & gave me an opportunity to work with them. They made all the necessary arrangements for me & even today they consider me a valuable asset & always take care of my basic needs.

I am looking forward for Govt job and am giving examination for the same. But what I am finding is that even the exam centers are not disable friendly. Imagine an exams being conducted on second floor (with no lifts) for a disable person. It’s a mockery of the system and humiliation of the individual.

How do you manage your day to day activities. Please give us a brief description whether it is with somebody's help or you are able to cope up with routine activities yourself?

My home & workplace are completely disabled friendly which makes me even more independent. I don’t need any assistance or help in doing my routine work, I am completely independent. All help I need is a driver to drive me to office.

Do you feel India is a disabled friendly country? What are your hopes from Accessible India Campaign?

Let’s be honest, India Is not a disabled friendly country! Most of the places are still beyond the reach for a wheelchair user. But as I can see that lot of people have joined hands to work towards the development & welfare of disabled people, I hope things changes.

Accessible India Campaign is a program which is set to be launched to serve the differently-able community of the country. I expect this campaign to build an environment where disables are treated at par with normal people be it in terms of education, employment or accessibility. I wish that India would become a better country to live in for persons with disabilities.

Have you ever felt any kind of emotional outbursts or complexes due to your physical status? If yes then how could you manage it?? change in your emotional reactions in different stages in your life?

No, I haven’t come across such situation till now. Yes I have faced problems but that’s because of Indian infrastructure not because of my physical status.

What are your hobbies or leisure time activities?

In my free time, I like music, hanging out with friends (though not many left, as most of them are married have their own lives),apart from this, I like observing new people. I am very spiritual, love reading religious books in my leisure time. But one thing which I like doing most is helping others in whatever way I can.

How do you react when somebody pities you?

I haven't come across such situation because I never let others feel pity on me. I believe others will see you the way you want them to see you. It entirely depends on how you present yourself in front of others, if you present yourself as a stronger person in front of others who is not scared of facing challenges, then nobody will feel pity on you.

What message you would like to give to the person with disabilities?

I believe that God never does injustice with anyone. If he takes something away from you, it means he is emptying your hand to give you something better & all the person who are disabled are actually very special because they have some different kind of qualities in them which makes them different and special from rest of the world.

I want to share one thing which I have learnt from my experiences and that is believe in yourself, and never give up, have a strong will power because if you have strong will power & determination then nothing in this world could stop you from leading a successful life.

Pooja Sharma
New Delhi

Education: MBA in HR from Jaypee Business School, Noida
MaritalStatus: Single
Disability: Spina Bifida
Profession: Commercial Back End Officer at Jaypee Group
Contact: contact@crossthehurdles.org

Quick Fire!

Favorite movie(s)

Taare Zameen Pe, Page 3, Corporate.

Favorite books

I like Chetan Bhagat's novels, and apart from this I mostly read religious books.

Favorite color

Pink and Black.

Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life.

Yet to do.

If you are marooned on an island what 5 things you would like to keep with you

My wheel chair, spectacles, mobile phone, food, & TV.

Favorite food

North Indian

Your biggest strength

I never give up and that’s my biggest strength.

The thing(s)that you hate

I hate people who have negative attitude towards life.

The first thing you do right after awaking up in the morning

I thank God for the blessed life.

What was your resolution on New Year

I don’t believe in all such things. Don’t need New Year to bring changes to my life.

The last thing you think before falling asleep in the night

I thank God for everything he has given me.

You prefer sons or daughters


Oft-repeated word/sentence by you

I’ll not quit until the battle is won. I keep repeating this sentence because it gives me courage and strength.

If world is going to be destroyed in next 5 minutes. What would you do during this time

I will completely surrender myself to God because I believe whatever he is doing is good for everyone.

The best gift that somebody can offer to you

I don’t expect gifts

The town/country that you want to visit


Your bedroom take fire what would you rescue at first

Depends. If I am alone then I’ll rescue myself because if I am alive then I can gather all the things again which I have lost in fire. But if I am with my family or my dear once then I will save them first.