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[[Management Tips]]
[[Management Tips]]
[[डर पर विजय प्राप्त करने के कुछ नुस्खे]]

Latest revision as of 04:44, 9 July 2012

Management Tips

डर पर विजय प्राप्त करने के कुछ नुस्खे


Fear is an instinctual response to potential danger. It leads to:

Rapid heart rate

Increased blood pressure

Tightening of muscles

Sharpened or redirected senses

Dilation of the pupils (to let in more light)

Increased sweating

Conquering fear is all about control. The following tips may help you to have better control over your emotions and your life:

One needs to admit that one is human and have feelings. We need to admit that sometimes we are afraid.

Don't be scared of fear. Let yourself cry or shake, discharge the fear. You need to talk about how you are feeling.

We don't need to make decisions out of fear alone. We need to think!

One needs to look at the situation. We need to think what is the worst thing that could happen and what our options our.

Try to control your fear before it controls you. Learn to relax and learn control yourself when you are afraid. Control your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly. Learn other exercises that can help you control your body's reaction to fear.

Another way to control fear is to get mad. Anger sometimes suppresses the fear reaction. We need to channel the anger into constructive action. Think, plan and then feel.

Leave the situation and escape.

Visualization can help in desensitizing yourself and control your fear. Don't avoid thinking about or confronting the situation. Visualization allows you to expose yourself to the situation. Put yourself in the situation that frightens you. Learn how you can use exposure and desensitization as a way of controlling your fear.

Identify what you are reacting to.

Look at what you can do to change the situation to make it less frightening, like saying prayers.