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[[Physical Disabilities]]
[[Physical Disabilities]]
Due to the symptoms of cerebral palsy behavioral and emotional problems can be caused, many children benefit from counseling or behavior therapy. Psychological techniques can improve physical, mental, and communicative skills. The activities depend on age and disability. Some techniques assist in discouraging destructive behavior. Others help to encourage self-sufficiency. Patients family, parents and the patients need coaching to improve the behavior of the person.
Due to the symptoms of cerebral palsy behavioral and emotional problems can be caused, many children benefit from counseling or behavior therapy. Psychological techniques can improve physical, mental, and communicative skills. The activities depend on age and disability. Some techniques assist in discouraging destructive behavior. Others help to encourage self-sufficiency. Patients family, parents and the patients need coaching to improve the behavior of the person.

Latest revision as of 00:59, 7 September 2011

Physical Disabilities


Due to the symptoms of cerebral palsy behavioral and emotional problems can be caused, many children benefit from counseling or behavior therapy. Psychological techniques can improve physical, mental, and communicative skills. The activities depend on age and disability. Some techniques assist in discouraging destructive behavior. Others help to encourage self-sufficiency. Patients family, parents and the patients need coaching to improve the behavior of the person.

Along with behavioral therapy,psychological techniques have to be used to encourage the mastery of tasks to promote muscular and motor development. Praise, positive reinforcement, and small rewards can encourage a child to learn to use weak limbs, overcome speech deficits, and stop negative behaviors like hair pulling and biting.

Living with a disability since childhood can lead to development of negative behavioral traits that may further affect the person’s ability to live life fruitfully and independently. A person’s quality of life is effected or they also affect the environment around them. In such a situation behavioral therapy can be valuable.

Behavioral therapy/psychotherapy can work wonders with the child with cerebral palsy. It would help the child to become more independent and productive and also more able to function in every-day life. In these ways, behavioral therapy is similar to other forms of CP therapy, however behavioral therapy tends to be more subtle in its approach.

For instance, in physical therapy the therapist will help the child to learn to walk with more ease by walking with them, or pick things up with more ease while helping their muscles develop, while in behavioral therapy the therapist might put an object of interest, perhaps a toy or a piece of candy, into a box. They will then request that the cerebral palsied child reach into the box with his or her weaker hand. It is the reward aspect of coaching the child to use his or her weaker hand that connects with his or her psyche.

A behavioral therapist will also talk with his or her patient to help work through the emotional stresses that cerebral palsy can place on a child. Sometimes children with cerebral palsy can become violent or aggressive, resorting to things such as biting or hair-pulling to help release their anger. Behavioral therapist may help the child to find new ways to release their aggression and frustrations, either vocally or, if the child is able to control his or her hand enough, perhaps drawing or writing, with the aid of new computer technology that makes it possible for people with cerebral palsy to type and have full use of a computer.

Counseling is also encouraged. Counseling is invaluable in helping your child’s developmental progress. Counselors will be able to help your child see his or her situation in the best light, and hopefully help to alleviate many of the stresses cerebral palsy and cause a person to feel.

Regardless of advancements in technology, a behavioral therapist can have a profound impact on your child’s life. Because cerebral palsy can so greatly affect a child’s physical ability, one may become last in dealing with only the physical aspect. It is most important, however, to not forgo such important therapy for a child’s psychological health and development.

Benefits to behavioral therapy include:

  • Completing task
  • Delaying gratification
  • Developing friendships
  • Excelling academically
  • Finding acceptance
  • Gaining perspective
  • Managing emotions
  • Maintaining focus
  • Obtaining coping skills
  • Overcoming emotional trauma
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Resisting temptation
  • Resolving relationship conflicts
  • Treating depression