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From Cross the Hurdles
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|Inspiration_Title=Thomas Alva Edison
|Inspiration_Desc=Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847-October 18, 1931) was an American inventor of Dutch origin and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph and a long lasting light bulb.
|Inspiration_Desc=Beethoven was as we know a great source of confidence for himself and for others, being able to create music and play music even after being completely deaf is by itself quite a miracle. He conquered his disability and led himself to being one of the greatest musicians of all time. By the time Beethoven was 28 he began to notice a hearing loss.  

Revision as of 04:55, 9 February 2012

Photograph of the week
Assisstive technology.jpg

A low tech communication board created with Boardmaker. It is a computer program that uses picture symbols, letters, words, and numbers to create communication boards.

News you can use

[| Electrical Scooters]
There are electrical carriers for the disabled . It resembles a mobility device and carries all the functions of a motorized moped. It is really one of the best inventions ever made. Commonly called as "electric or power-operated scooters", it gets easier to use once you get accustomed to it....

Get Inspired!


Beethoven was as we know a great source of confidence for himself and for others, being able to create music and play music even after being completely deaf is by itself quite a miracle. He conquered his disability and led himself to being one of the greatest musicians of all time. By the time Beethoven was 28 he began to notice a hearing loss.  Read more...

Thought of the week
There are only two ways to live your life

One is as thought nothing A MIRACLE

The other is as thought EVERYTHING IS A MIRACLE...

—-- Albert Einstein

Highlighted Information

Wheelchair open door.jpg

अवसाद प्रबंधन
अवसाद के क्षणों में हम हर काम का सबसे बुरा परिणाम हीं सोचते हैं और अगर हम किसी अक्षमता से जूझ रहे हों तो ऐसे विचार अक्सर हमारे दिलो दिमाग में विचरते रहते हैं. ऐसे क्षणों में व्यक्तित्व विरूपण के लक्षण नज़र आने लगते हैं, हम खुद से भी झूठ बोलने लगते हैं, कमियों का अतिरंजन करने लगते हैं बढ़ा चढ़ा कर सोचते हैं और यहाँ तक कि इंसान खुद के लिए अपमानजनक बातें भी सोचने लगता है.  Read more...

Video of the week

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