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[[Disability Articles]]

Latest revision as of 22:49, 9 April 2011

Disability Articles

Mom and child.jpg

Living a life with disabilities is a challenge to the child as well as to the parents. Or we may say rather a bigger challenge. Parents have to prepare and build the child to survive in the world independently. The first and foremost thing for the parents is the acceptance of the bitter truth that their child is not ordinary. Tips for the parents:

  • Parents should never pressurize the child to do things that he cannot do.
  • Boosting of confidence should be given priority.
  • Try to encourage them in the activities in which they are talented. For instance, if your child is blind but is a wonderful singer. Make the child learn singing and music. You never know he/ she may be the future voice of the biggest stars.
  • Parents should express their beliefs, hopes, dreams and confidence frequently.
  • Parents should not make the child stay at a single place in the house. They have to be made active.
  • Parents need to give responsibilities to their child. This may give them a sense of independence and would prepare them to survive in this difficult world. The child would then learn to face the real life challenges.
  • Realistic and positive expectation should be set by the parents. These should be in congruence with the child’s age, abilities and disabilities. The child should be made to do his own personal work like dressing, maintaining hygiene etc.
  • Cheer the child every time when he masters some task. Lay small targets in front of them.
  • The kids who have vision impairment, have to be taught many things outside the protection of their home. They need exposure to new things and conditions. They should be made to learn to feel O.K in unfamiliar and different settings.
  • Over protectiveness makes them think, that the whole world is also like their goody goody house. They have to be taught the world outside the safe settings of their homes is cruel and inconsiderate. Skills have to be developed in the child to face and get out of the troubles.
  • The child’s strength has to be celebrated. They have to be gifted with a piece of applause for their qualities.
  • The kids with hearing impairment cannot communicate even their dislikes. This can make them irritated. The parents need to watch closely the actions, likes and dislikes of these kids.
  • The child needs unconditional love and has to be accepted in all the conditions. Accept your child as he is. Allow him to feel unconditionally loved.
  • Educate Relatives, friends, or neighbors have also to be educated and made aware of the child's disability. Even your needs and feelings have to be communicated as well.
  • Love and understanding among the siblings have to be increased. Siblings have to be taught about the disability of the child. They have to be taught about handling of the situations.

All this would help the disabled child to grow up naturally and lead a normal life.
