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Latest revision as of 04:45, 20 July 2011

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Sayan Gosh...radiant, smart, intelligent and a robust guy. His thoughts and perceptions towards life truely represent the changing times and the promising young generation. At a young of 27 he has become mature enough to understand and face the harsh realities of life and has the boldness to withstand all the rough challenges that the life has brought. His independence, whether emotional, physical or financial, is his strength. With a great upbringing, he has acquired a sensitive and empathic attitude. Being compassionate and energetic, he is always ready to volunteer help. What makes him stand apart is his desire to achieve, learn and strive for excellence. Professionally successful and a great human being, Sayan Gosh is definitely a success story to whom CTH salutes.
How does it feel like living alone far from you family

Taking a decision for staying away from family is always challenging, but sometimes under special circumstances, we have to take it. I really feel bad when I enter the security checking area in Kolkata Airport every time after spending time with my family. Also, for some special needs, I always have to be dependent on someone, or to share the problems. But my current organization is very flexible (as well disabled friendly). I am offered facilities such as home pickup and drop whenever required, completely accessible facility, frequent work from home option, employee engagement, which was not possible for any organization based in Kolkata. Its more professional I really enjoy the work here.

To whom are you closer, your mother or father

My father is closer to me, he is very practical minded and always encourages me to take up challenges, even if risk is involved in it. In spite of my disability, he always insisted me to study in mainstream school, college. I was born in a middle class family that believes in traditional values, and he taught me never to conceal my disability, to solve problem with a different approach and never shy away to take challenges.

My mom is little bit emotional but she also loves me very much.

Who has been the motivating force and your life and how has the person motivated you

The list is long..my father, Swami Vivekananda, Sudha Chandran, Stephen Hawking.

What do you think about marriage and life partner...I mean...what kind of life partner would you like to have

I would prefer a physically challenged partner, because she would understand my problems well and I would be able to understand her problems. Its a matter of mutual understanding and if both the partners have the same types of problem it is always better.

Since your childhood you have stayed in Kolkata and have completed your education from Kolkata University. Is Kolkata a disabled friendly city

Not at all. The public transports and public places, government office, buildings were not disabled friendly at all. Kolkata’s own pride Metro Railway has not kept a single provision such that disabled persons can avail it. The process of getting disability certificate is a herculean task. None of the cinema halls or public places were disabled friendly in my childhood. In addition, assistive devices (prosthetics or orthotics) available in Kolkata are of not very advanced technology.

Recently opening up of few shopping mall and multiplex have allowed the disabled people to move around, but government buildings and auditoriums still remain inaccessible.

Now a days it has become almost a fashion to talk about "inclusion". Do you think is the concept really being implemented

This term term remains confined to the seminars and meetings. The inclusion for the physically challenged is not implemented at all. The government's attitude towards the disabled is mainly responsible for it.

What do you like to do when you are free from work

Net surfing, reading. Interested to join some NGOs in Bangalore for the welfare of the challenged people.

How do you commute to the place of your work

My office provide me door drop and pick up in office cab

Is your place of work fully accessible? If no, then how do you manage your activities there

Its 100% accessible. Even though I do not have to use wheelchair, the other wheelchair users co-workers in my office say that they feel at home (or sometimes it’s more accessible than their home)

What message would you like to give to the youth of today

Try to think, don’t float in the trend, and take decision on your own.

What do you think of Cross the Hurdles

It’s a very good platform for share thoughts, ideas, innovation and solutions for the problems that we face in every day. I wish for its overall growth and it becomes the voice of people like us.

Sayan Ghosh

Education: M.Sc
MaritalStatus: Single
Disability: Post polio residual paralysis both lower limbs
Profession: Software Professional
Contact: contact@crossthehurdles.com

Quick Fire!

Favorite movie(s)

3 Idiots, Black

Favorite books

The Namesake, Sei Samay, Pratham Aalo (Bengali)

Favorite color


Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life

Get admitted in Swimming class when I was in Std V.

What does friendship mean to you

it’s a mutual bonding, which can overcome any tough problems in life.

Favorite food

Chingri Malaikari (a special Bengali recipe of Prawn)

Your biggest strength

Never give up easily, follow up as much is possible.

If you take birth again, who would you like to be born as

I myself

The thing(s) that you hate

Lie, Arrogance, Pity

What kind of games do you like to play

Swimming and Chess

Your biggest strength

My attitude to never give up easily.

Oft-repeated word/sentence by you

Be a crocodile (as crocodile never looks behind)

The best gift that somebody can offer to you


Your biggest wish

India becomes 100% disabled friendly nation