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From Cross the Hurdles
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Revision as of 21:46, 22 May 2014


Questions to Consider

  1. What limitations is the employee who uses a wheelchair experiencing?
  2. How do these limitations affect the employee and the employee’s job performance?
  3. What specific job tasks are problematic as a result of these limitations?
  4. What accommodations are available to reduce or remove these problems?
  5. Are all possible resources being used to determine possible accommodations?
  6. Has the employee who uses a wheelchair been consulted regarding possible accommodations?
  7. Once accommodations are in place, would it be useful to meet with the employee who uses a wheelchair to evaluate the effectiveness of the accommodations and to determine whether additional accommodations are needed?
  8. Do supervisory team and employees need training regarding employees who use wheelchairs?

Workstation Access

Some examples of obstacles faced by wheelchair users and possible accommodations are:

  • Height adjustable desk or table for a person who cannot work comfortably at an existing desk
  • Accessible filing system for a person who cannot reach upper and lower file drawers in a vertical file cabinet
  • Office supplies and frequently used materials on most accessible shelves or drawers for a person who cannot reach upper and lower shelves and drawers
  • Page turners and book holders for a person who cannot manipulate paper
  • Writing aids for a person who cannot grip a writing tool
  • Accessible office machines, such as copiers and faxes, so a person using a wheelchair can access them from a seated position
  • Voice activated speaker phone, large button phone, automatic dialing system, voice mail system, and/or headset, depending on the person’s needs and preferences
  • Alternative access for computers such as speech recognition,trackballs, key guards, alternative keyboards, and/or mouth sticks, depending on the person’s needs and preferences

Workplace Access

People who use wheelchairs may encounter obstacles before reaching their workstations. Some examples of these hurdles and possible accommodations are:

  • Flexible scheduling so a person who cannot drive can access public transportation
  • Accessible parking for a person who does drive
  • Accessible route of travel from the parking lot into the building
  • Accessible restrooms, lunchroom, break room, etc.
  • Accessible route of travel to the person’s workstation
  • Work from home if the person cannot get to the work-site

Travel for Work

Some possible accommodations for wheelchair users are:

  • Accessible transportation
  • Accessible lodging
  • Accessible meeting/training site
  • Medical supplies/wheelchair repair at travel destination
  • Personal attendant care at travel destination