Vicious circle of disability and depression

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Disability Articles


It is not just passing blue mood; it is not a sign of weak personality…it is problem wherein a person cannot “pull himself together”… In medical terms it is known as “depression”…a disorder or an illness which can affect the whole being of a person, taking into its clutches body, mood and thoughts..!

Depression, disability, ill health and sufferings are very likely to form a vicious circle in which one thing can lead to another so easily, that all of them, at one point of time, are prone to overlap, meshed with each other or even may get entangled together.

The most common secondary condition associated with physical disability is depression. Though we may say that living with a disability is a challenge which we need to face bravely, but a fact that cannot be negated is that, ‘living with any kind of disability, really is difficult’.

We might feel deprived of many things. There might be complexes due to deformed or distorted body image. Low level of self esteem and lack of confidence can render a person weaker…The world might seem cruel, labeling us as “disabled”… using terms such as ‘disability certificate’, ‘disability insurance’, ‘disability law’, ‘disability benefits’…a word which we may not like to hear, as it puts us in a separate category…a category of “have nots”…The things which are necessities for the non disabled become luxuries for the disabled. Coping up with changed conditions sometimes become difficult. And the feeling is natural. One may slowly start sinking down into sadness…a sadness which may pull us down to the level of depression.

Whether it is a bird with lost wing or a horse with a wounded leg…every species feels sad and lonely due to disability. But we humans are somewhat differently endowed. We have more resources and these resources can prevent us from getting perished. We are blessed with a sense of optimism which has capability to pull us out of that gloom of solitude. We can have positive outlook which animals lack. Unfortunately we sometimes fail to focus on the fact that we are at least be able to breathe, live and survive.

A condition of depression forces us to focus on the illness and inabilities. Negativity refrains from considering all the merits, that we as human species are fortunate to have. We feel we have regressed and have become unproductive. There is a feeling of guilt even without having done anything wrong. Irritability in nature creeps in. We feel withdrawn and socially isolated. The stimuli which were pleasurable one time do not, any more, stimulate us. We tend to become self deprecating, always indulge in brooding and regretting over what is missing rather than appreciating what is left. There is decrease in level of concentration and lack of interest in everything. Even drive for sex lowers down. Feeling of uncertainty and fear of unknown constantly hover around.


Such a kind of depression leads to aggravation of disabilities. Even if someone has no physical challenge, depression may prove to be disabling. There is sluggishness and lethargy. One may feel fatigued and exhausted all the time. Lack of energy and mental blocks impose constraints on our physical exercises. Thus one gets trapped in the vicious circle of disability leading to depression and depression making the person all the more disabled.

The shackles of this circle needs to be broken down otherwise there can be a point of no return. People facing such a condition need to strengthen up their souls. They need to slow down and learn to relax. There may not be thousands around but a single treasured relationship can make the path bearable. They need to trust someone and open up. Failures, mistakes and misfortunes can happen with anybody. Good times need to be cherished. We need to live in present and adapt to the situation. Anxieties and worries would only increase the disabilities. Unrealistic expectations can worsen the situation. All you need is to, participate and appreciate irrespective of your losses.

Prevent yourself from wilting away. Don’t wither like a flower…

Remember, disability does not deprive us of our humanity…!


Abha Khetarpal