CTH Story of Raghavendra Anvekar

From Cross the Hurdles
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Raghavendra Anvekar was selected to be in the Indian team of swimmers for the 16th Asian Para Games-2010,that took at Guangzhou in China in December.Raghavendra has won 18 international medals and 43 gold medals at national-level competitions, besides three silver and one bronze medals he got at the IXth IWAS World Games for Physically Handicapped held at Bangalore last year. The Karnataka Government honoured him with Eklavya Award in recognition of talent and contribution in the field of sports last year.
You wanted to cross the English Channel...So did the government agencies help you in this great endeavor of yours?

Madam with a great courage I attempted to cross the great English Channel but due to severe pains from the cold I had to retire from the attempt after 2 hours 39 minute. I have not received any financial help from the government. But the local Public of Belgaum have supported me and some private companies

How did you feel when you first got your gold medal at an international competition?

When I got my first international Gold medal at Taipei, TAIWAN in 2007. I felt very happy, my eyes were full of tears watching our proud tricolor moving up. I saluted to the flag and remember my parents, swim coaches and my supporters.

What other sports you like to take part in?

I like Tri-cycling & water pool

Do you ever feel depressed because of your physical conditions?

Yes, before joining Swimming I was feeling depressed but swimming taught me to take every hurdles as a Challenge.

How did your family members support you when you expressed your desire to choose swimming and take part in international events?

My family members were not keen in sending me to learn swimming, but I had in my mind to learn this beautiful game.I learnt swimming in just 6 hours, this helped me to get the support from my family.

What message you would like to give to the persons with disability?

The disability is in the mind, don’t ever get nervous about your disability you can do anything you like as a normal person. Believe in yourself and just say ”YES, I CAN”

What is your idea of a perfect life?

Work hard and create a history and be a example before others.

What do you think about Cross the Hurdles?

It’s a good website which encourages & increases the moral of the sportsmen.

Raghavendra Anvekar
Belgaum, Karnataka

Education: B.COM, PGDBM
MaritalStatus: Single
Disability: Polio survivor
Profession: Unemployed
Contact: contact@crossthehurdles.com

Quick Fire!

Favorite movie(s)
Chak de India, 3 Idiot

Favorite books

You can win

Favorite color


Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life

12 hours floating on water

Most Valuable thing that you have purchased till now


If you are marooned on an island what 5 things you would like to keep with you

Warm, dry fruits, swimming, my parents, camera

Favorite food

Any thing in rice

Your biggest strength

My coaches and my coaches

If you take birth again, who would you like to be born as

Sachin Tendulkar

The thing(s) that you hate

Person who tell lies

The first thing you do right after awaking up in the morning

Pray to God to me more strength to work for my nation

The last thing you before falling asleep in the night

Thank God for giving me another day

You prefer sons or daughters

Both, they are God's gift

Oft-repeated word/sentence by you

To good things continuously

If world is going to be destroyed in next 5 minutes. What would you do during this time

I will thank God for giving me birth on this beautiful soil of India

What will be your resolution on the new year

To practice hard and get selected for 2012 Paralympics

The best gift that somebody can offer to you

Best wishes

Your bedroom take fire what would you rescue at first

MY merit certificates

The town/country that you want to visit

Australia and America

If you can meet one person of your choice, dead or alive, known or not, who would this be

Sachin Tendulkar