A-Z of coping up with disability

From Cross the Hurdles
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Disability Articles


A. Acknowledge and accept that there is a change in your life.

B. Build a network around you.

C. Cry if and when you need to.

D. Do NOT give up…Life is still beautiful. Don’t “give away” all of your power

E. Express your emotions and feelings. Never ever bury your pain in your heart.

F. Friends are always stress busters…Friendship can give mutual happiness..You still have something to give.

G. Grieving is natural and normal part of any loss. But don’t drown yourself into it.

H. Helpless you are not and Hopeless you need not to be; do as much for yourself as you can.

I. If you cannot go to a party, the party can come to you…invite people to visit you.

J. Just a smile when you meet strangers and you can win over them.

K. Know your limitations…don’t push anything too far.

L. Learn to take care of yourself to the fullest extent possible. Keep as much control of whatever is happening to you.

M. Mental health is very important. Keep yourself mentally healthy and ask for help if you feel you need it.

N. Nurture yourself. It is nothing to be ashamed of, if you take care of yourself and your needs.

O. Open your mind. Find new or different ways of doing things. Different isn’t inferior or unpleasant, it’s just different.

P. Prioritize your aims in life…try to reach out the attainable ones. Move on and grab success.

Q. Quality of your life has to be your own choice…don’t let other people define it for you,

R. Remember you are a whole person. Disability is only a part of you..

S. Survival is important. Never be scared to struggle. The fittest only survive.

T. Try to be a path breaker…Just try to cross the hurdles.

U. Use your thinking abilities to the fullest…Only you know the best way to adjust and adapt according to your needs.

V. Victimizing yourself is no less than a crime. Victims are helpless, hopeless and pitiable.

W. Will power can win battles..It can define your attitude…it can inspire others too!

X. “X-actly” who you are only depends on you. Focus on what is left with you.

Y. You always are worthy of dignity and respect. Exercise all your rights.

Z. Zeal for living is an important ingredient of a successful life. Live life to the fullest.