Nurture yourself

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Management Tips

If you are asked a question who is the most precious person in your life, or whom do you value all might answer, "my partner, my child or perhaps my parent".

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Though all these people mean a lot to you but there can be times when even they can let you down, anyone can leave you. The only person whom can always trust is only "You". You will always have your company. You can be your best friend. It is up to whether you want cheer yourself up or feel miserable. All you need to do is to just 'take care' of yourself. You need to stay as healthy as possible.

It may sound bitter but the reality is that you cannot cure your illness or disability but it is your hands to live your live to the fullest. You can learn to lessen your symptoms in the best possible way.

There are many things that you can do to help yourself and feel better. All we require is patience. Therapies take time to be effective since we are different individual and respond differently to treatments.

There are many self-help techniques which are really effective. It worth learning them. If you getting negative thoughts, the simplest way to try to imagine throwing all such negative thoughts and pain into the bin and getting rid of them. This is called visualization technique. Likewise you can imagine almost anything you wish. Just let your imagination fly. Think of yourself being strong, as a leader, as someone who can make it to the top of the mountain. Or just imagine yourself lying on the beach, sunbathing and the sun’s energy traveling into each part of your body making you feel warm and energized. It can give you an amazing feeling. You may be able to actually get all the benefits of it happening in real life. Autogenic training can also be really helpful to you. It will teach you how to relax. Your sleep can also improve with its help.

But just try to love yourself...nurture yourself!

Try to develop an interest or a hobby.

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When someone works hard, it is much easier to complimented due it. But no one will complement you for your efforts. It is only you who can praise yourself for your efforts. Nobody will praise you for coping up bravely with your challenges. This only you can do. Just repeat these words to yourself everyday " Bravo! well done for coping up with your condition so well!"

Praise yourself for any little achievement of the day no matter how small. Even let it be making a cup of tea for yourself or cleaning or bed.

Feel more positive each day than the previous day. Congratulate yourself for feeling in such a way.

Exercise regularly. They can help you. Though you may feel stiff or lazy but it is still worth trying. Do light exercises. Do not over strain yourself. You may not see its immediate benefits but it definitely would work in long term. Lack of energy can be changed to an energizing feeling if persistent efforts are made.

It is also important to follow a healthy diet. Keep a check on your weight. All the food groups should be included in a balanced way your diet.

So never forget that "you are the person who matters the most!" Never forget to praise yourself even for the tiniest achievement