CTH Story of Divya Sharma

From Cross the Hurdles
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Meet Divya Sharma (Bhavya Sharma, as we know her). A girl who is bold enough to face the world all alone. At the tender of 19, loads of confidence reflect when she says, Nobody dares to point out my disability. She has a passion for music and knows very well how to keep even the strings of life tightened! She sings away her blues and melodiously brushes off her pains and problems. A typical Punjabi, who is traditional as well as modern, who knows to respect her elders and still have guts to express her own views. Disability hasn't mellowed down her spirits and music has given her an inner strength. She doesn't consider assistive devices are imposed upon her but she considers those things as a means to explore, regards them just a software and loves to learn using them. Positivity is ingrained in her when she says, After 10 years from now I see myself to well qualified, self dependent and settled in a respectable job. So lets meet this wonderful, beautiful and dutiful girl
You are a student. So do you have any future plans regarding to your higher education or you want to start working after your graduation?

I will go for higher studies.

How did you develop interest in music?

Well, initially I was not so much interested in music. But from the last few years I have developed a lot of interest in playing musical instruments. I love to sing along with Guitar and Harmonium. Apart from this, I know a bit of Tabla too. Besides doing graduation, I am taking exams of music in Pracheen Kala Kendera. Now I can’t think of spending even a single day without music.

Do you want to make music your profession or is it just a hobby?

Music is just a hobby but yes, I would love to use this hobby as an alternative profession.

Have you taken any formal training in music?

Well, from a very young age, I used to play songs on my casio. Later I pursued it like a plaything. But now as I have mentioned above, for the last two years, I have, in parts,taken some training regarding guitar basics. So, I just practice music at home. And for music exams, I do its preparation for a month or so before the exam.

Who has been the motivating force and your life and how has the person motivated you?

My parents, twin sister and elder brother. My family always motivates me to do better and better. Other than my family, I would like to share that I feel more confident and motivated whenever I meet my Uncle Mr. KK Chaturvedi and Chaturvedi Aunty. All these people are very precious to me.

What do you think about marriage and life partner..I mean...what kind of life partner would you like to have?

I want a life partner who understands and loves me as I am. I don’t care whether he is normal or disabled.

Where do you see yourself after 10 years from now?

Well qualified, self dependent and settled in a respectable job.

Do you use any assistive devices for reading? If yes then please let us know about them.

Yes, I do use JAWS screen reader software for surfing net and operating laptop. Very rarely I use magnifiers also. For mobile, I use talks screen reader software.

Apart from music what are your hobbies or leisure time activities?

Well, to be very frank, in my early teens, doing painting was my life. I used to be a fine artist and even sent my art work to TV channels. Later , I had to leave art because of so much strain on my eyes. Other than this, I love playing chess. I do have interest in cooking, writing poems, articles and my experiences.

Are your college mates, lecturers and friends supportive?

Well, here it is worth mentioning that I am a private student appearing from HP University.

Is your city accessible? If no, then how do you manage?

Actually, I am from a small city named Bhakra Nangal. Here there is no special institution or NGO to provide guidance. Here the only source of information is Internet. Whatever I have come to know about accessible technology is because of efforts put in by me and support of my family.

How do you react when people ask you about your disability or treat you differently because of your disability?

Well, nobody wants to be treated differently, even I. But I would like to share that I don’t give much importance to what others say. I personally don’t like such people who show sympathy to me. Because of my confidence, way of talking and multiple interests, generally people don’t dare to point out my disability.

Do you find difficulty in doing your daily activities with vision problem?

Actually, I spend most of my time at home. So, I am familiar with the layout of my house and the location of things therein. Therefore, I don’t face any difficulty in my daily work at home. Here I want to confess that I don’t feel confident in going out alone. I am always accompanied by someone while going out. I am conscious that I lack in this aspect and I have to focus on independent mobility without losing further time.

What do you think of Cross the Hurdles?

It has proved very helpful in spreading awareness regarding opportunities, sufferings and rights of persons with disabilities.

Divya Sharma
Naya Nangal, Punjab

Education: Appeared in BA 2nd year
MaritalStatus: Single
Disability: 5% visual impairment. I have advanced Glaucoma (Operated) in both eyes and has had vitrectomy for endophthalmitis in the right eye.
Profession: ----
Contact: contact@crossthehurdles.com

Quick Fire!

Favorite movie(s)

Jab We Met, Guzarish, Black, 3 Idiots, Hicachy, A Walk to Remember, If Only etc.

Favorite books

The-power-of-your-subconscious-mind, You Can Win. I like motivational books and love stories.

Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life

This incident happened when I was about 8years old. My elder brother, who is very good at swimming, put a condition before me and my twin sister that we had to jump into the deep portion of swimming pool if we wished him to train us in swimming. He assured us that we won’t drown because he would rescue us immediately. Without wasting any time, I jumped into the pool and shocked even my father who was not expecting this response from me even in his dreams.

Valuable thing that you have purchased till now

Laptop and Musical instruments.

If you are marooned on an island what 5 things you would like to keep with you

Self Belief, alertness, presence of mind, stamina and cool mind.

Favorite food

Rajma Chawal and all the green vegetables.

Your biggest strength

Self Belief.

If you take birth again, who would you like to be born as?

As myself.

The thing(s) that you hate


The first thing you do right after awaking up in the morning


The last thing you do before falling asleep in the night

I offer prayers.

What does success mean to you

It means a lot to me. Expectation of success has made my life more efficient. It has enabled me to do things which once seemed to be very difficult.

Oft-repeated word/sentence by you

OMG, Chal koi na, Tension naa le etc.

If world is going to be destroyed in next 5 minutes. What would you do during this time?

I will try to talk to my loved ones.

What will be your resolution on the new year? For this year, my resolution is to become as much independent as I can.

The best gift that somebody can offer to you? Their time because its not in their hands to get it back.

Your bedroom take fire what would you rescue at first?

My laptop and if possible, my guitar too .

The town/country that you want to visit?

I don’t have much craze about this.

If you can meet one person of your choice, dead or alive, known or not, who would this be?

My late Maternal Grandfather of whom everybody speaks so highly.