CTH Story of Prasad Shetty

From Cross the Hurdles
Copyright © 2010 Cross the Hurdles. All rights reserved.
Prasad Shetty, a boy who is not only bold and fearless but also full of grit and determination. He possesses a multi-faceted personality as he can not only mimic the Bollywood actors but also doesn't hesitate to put a live snake around his neck, giving us an evidence of his adventurous nature. As partner in S9 Financial Planner, he wants to grow the business manifold. He predicts that in the times to come people will develop a newer kind of disease known as 'Financial Stress' when they would know how to earn but would not know how and where to spend. His friends and family are his main strength. He is not only a loving guy but he also romantic at heart....So let us meet this interesting and wonderful personality who can capture your heart within seconds with his talks!
How do you manage your day to day activities...a brief description i.e. with somebody's help or you are able to cope up with routine activities yourself?

My mother is the backbone for all my daily activities.She is the only one who wakes me up, does my morning routine then gets me ready and finally stead’s me on my throne(i.e my power wheel chair). Once that is done I start my day by driving down to my office by my own. I am lucky that the partners in my business are my college friends also, so we understand each other really well. They are the one who play my mom’s role in helping me do things which I need to do in office.

You are a financial planner. Why did you choose to be in this profession?

My aim is and will always be to serve people by planning their finances and make them have a goal behind every investment. I therefore chose to be a Financial Doctor wherein I will treat as well as prevent them from any future diseases (i.e Financial stress)

Who has been the motivating force and your life and how has the person motivated you?

Like everyone's parents and friends are their best motivator, same is with me. I also consider myself to be a self motivator mainly for doing all those things which I want to achieve and have dreamt of. Apart from my family and friends I can’t name any one person in particular because I believe that in every walk of life you meet someone who inspires you by their little deeds and motivate you to be a better person. However being a great cricket fan, Sourav Ganguly has been my role model mainly because he is considered to be the king of comebacks. He has always proved his critics wrong with strong defending answers and I personally salute to his never dying spirit as a player.

What do you think about marriage and life partner. What kind of life partner would you like to have?

Somewhere in my heart I have thought that I would always want a life partner who can understand me as I am. She must have faith in my abilities & should not consider my physical attributes as an obstacle for having a loving relationship with me.

What are your future plans?

1) To make my company S9 Financial Planners as one of the biggest financial planning house in our country.

2) To adopt two girls & bestow all my love and care on them. And if my financial status permits me I would like to sponsor future of many such children for lifetime.

There is no second thought on the matter that we are many times discriminated due to a person's physical status. If you face a situation, then how do you cope up with such feelings?

When I was a kid I used to think about this a lot. It also used to bother me but as I grew older, I realized I have the power to be a Star, because stars are the one who get more importance than the rest of the world. I also realize that it is always about thinking, being and doing positive. Discrimination is done by those who have lot of free time to waste and I have no time to waste because in this short life there is so much to love and so much to do.

What does success mean to you?

When you look into the mirror with pride in your eyes for yourself. When people start looking up to you, get inspired by you, get propelled by you that is when you have started the real journey of success.

Is your place of work fully accessible? If no, then how do you manage your activities there?

As everything is Designed according to my comfort level everything is within my reach.

How do you react when people stare at you because of your disability?

I don’t react I just smile.

What message would you like to give to the people who keep on crying about minutest problems in their lives in spite of having everything?

I can definitely say that there is always someone who is in a worse condition than yours. Just thank god for giving what you have today and always work hard to have a better future. Trust me nothing is difficult until you think it is.

What do you think of Cross the Hurdles?

Cross the Hurdles & Abha ji are doing brilliant job. They are not only fighting for a good cause but also diffusing fighting spirit into everyone. Three Cheers to CTH!!

Prasad Shetty
Mumbai, Maharashtra

Education: Certified Financial Planning
MaritalStatus: Single
Disability: Spinal Cord Muscular Atrophy
Profession: Self Employed
Contact: contact@crossthehurdles.com

Quick Fire!

Favorite movie(s)

Guru, 3 idiots & kunwara baap

Favorite books

You Can Win-Shiv Khera, Autobiography of Dhirubhai Ambani.

Favorite color

Black & White

Craziest thing that you have ever done in your life.

I had once passed my Civics answer sheet to my friend during exam & then later came to know it’s been passed throughout the row & supervisor was sitting beside me and i was not able to get my sheet back till the end of the exam.

Most Valuable thing that you have purchased till now

A Gold Ring for my mother on her 25th Anniversary

If you are marooned on an island what 5 things you would like to keep with you

I would like to have my family picture, my group friends picture, of course my WILL CHAIR, lot of food and a big yacht so that when I get bored I can come back.

Favorite food

Fish Fry, Rosetto (by kinni my friend), Egg Smashed by Kinni & Gajar Halwa with vanilla ice cream

Your biggest strength

My family, Friends & My self-Confidence

If you take birth again, who would you like to be born as

I would like to born as me again & improve with whatever I could have done but failed to.

The thing(s)that you hate

People's mercy

The first thing you do right after awaking up in the morning

Talk to myself

The last thing you before falling asleep in the night

Talk with my friend Pooja

You prefer sons or daughters


Oft-repeated word/sentence by you

C'mon we can do it

If world is going to be destroyed in next 5 minutes. What would you do during this time

Hug my Mom & will say 'Thanks for this beautiful life', Hug my bestest friend Alok & will propose my Girl

What will be your resolution on the new year Nothing

The best gift that somebody can offer to you


Your bedroom take fire what would you rescue at first

My Cell Phone as everything is stored in there.

The town/country that you want to visit

Goa & Kashmir

If you can meet one person of your choice, dead or alive, known or not, who would this be

Nick Vujicic. He is amazing.