CTH Success Stories

From Cross the Hurdles

Success Stories

Pooja Sharma


Pooja's story in her own words:I had a tumor on backbone by birth which was operated upon when I was just 40 days old. Due to the negligence of the surgeon, my nerves got damaged and hence disabled my lower body completely, making me a full time wheelchair user. I have Bifida (not sure about exact medical terminology). It has no cure in medical science so far!.  Read more...

Anil Pakina

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Anil's story in his own words: This happened in Nacharam, Hyderabad. Couple of days after having polio drops in my 7th month, I had serious loose motions and high fever. Then my parents took me to a doctor. Let me tell you my parents were not educated and not financially good as well. That doctor gave me an expired injection on left leg, and after coming home, it seemed that leg stopped functioning, and then parents in all sad and confusion took me to same doctor on same day, then he gave one more injection, and this time he gave to both legs. My parents could not know what happened, but both of my legs stopped functioning. That day he played with the lives of 7 babies (including me). All 7 were effected with polio. And it seemed that I was the best of the lot. As others were paralyzed from below neck. People lodged a police complaint and that doctor's degree got cancelled. But all this at the cost of 7 lives. It took 7 lives cost to cancel doctors degree. Otherwise we never know with how many more lives he would have played with".  Read more...

Prasad Shetty


Prasad Shetty, a boy who is not only bold and fearless but also full of grit and determination. He possesses a multi faceted personality as he can not only mimic the Bollywood actors but also doesn't hesitate to put a live snake around his neck, giving us an evidence of his adventurous nature.  Read more...

Divya Sharma


Divya Sharma (Bhavya Sharma, as we know her) is a girl who is bold enough to face the world all alone. At the tender of 19, loads of confidence reflect when she says, Nobody dares to point out my disability. She has a passion for music and knows very well how to keep even the strings of life tightened! She sings away her blues and melodiously brushes off her pains and problems.  Read more...

Nagarjunrao Akula


Nagarjunrao, a finance professional, a swimmer, a power lifter and above all a great human being. Being a sports person, Nagarjunrao is a well disciplined guy. He has learnt to accept not only victories but also defeats in the sporting way. He is an ambitious as well as a focused person who strives to create a life full of self respect and dignity for himself. He is a great volunteer and is ready to help whosoever needs his expertise and guidance. He is full of positive energy and can motivate all around him  Read more...

Dr Satendra Singh


Dr Satendra Singh Phalswal, who in his own words about himself, says, "A student by choice, a doctor by profession". A firm believer in medical humanities, Satendra, is a human being par excellence. His students say that he is a great teacher, his friends say that he is a wonderul buddy, and his seniors have all allocades for him.  Read more...

Dr Ketna Mehta


Dr Ketna Mehta, a great personality, a dedicated social worker, an adventure loving person, a compassionate soul and a human being possessing indomitable courage, is the founder of Nina Foundation..  Read more...

Navin Gulia


Navin Gulia, a name, that doesn't need any introduction..Navin Gulia, a soldier in real sense of the term, a fighter in true sense, who has never learnt to give up. "The Man" never surrendered to the circumstances.  Read more...

Innusingh Tripathy


Innusingh is a lady with grit and strong determination. She has achieved success amidst adversities. Her hard work has taken her to places.  Read more...

Raghavendra Anvekar


Raghavendra Anvekar was selected to be in the Indian team of swimmers for the 16th Asian Para Games-2010,that took at Guangzhou in China in December.Raghavendra has won 18 international medals and 43 gold medals at national-level competitions, besides three silver and one bronze medals he got at the IXth IWAS World Games for Physically Handicapped held at Bangalore last year. The Karnataka Government honoured him with Eklavya Award in recognition of talent and contribution in the field of sports last year.  Read more...

Asif Iqbal

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Asif Iqbal is a person who can easily become a role model for many.He has never let his disability come in his way. He has met the former President of India (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam) to discuss technology initiative which would benefit blind/ visually impaired community.He has won the State role model award in the disability community by governor of West Bengal on December 3, 2007 and the National award constituted by President of India for outstanding disabled employee on December 3, 2008. He works with the help of talking software (JAWS) which provides audio output of computer screen. He uses talking software installed on his cell phone.  Read more...

Saurabh Pandey


Saurabh, a person who has loads and loads of self confidence,wants to achieve things to the fullest. He is creative and has the ability to see things in different perspectives than others. With a charming personality he can win over many. He is a person who is full of positive self regard for himself.  Read more...

Atul Prakash Purti


Atul Prakash Purti, a fighter in real sense of the term, a 'braveheart' who is managing to live life to the fullest with self respect and loads of self esteem even in spite of his being a quadriplegic...He has swam against the flow and has managed to bounced back to life with his indomitable courage and a never exhausting positive attitude.He has proved that bravery is not only a virtue to be shown in a battlefield.But the battle of life is fierce many more times. So unless one possess this kind of valor, one cannot move ahead in life..Atul is a live example of this!!  Read more...

Kodakkal Shivaprasad

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Kodakkal Shivaprasad is employed in Canara Bank as an Officer. He is happily married, well settled and blessed with two children named KS Nagaprasad & K S Cauvery. In spite of his own challenges he is providing philanthropic services and working with Shimoga Dist. Physically Handicapped Welfare Sangha [Regd] as it General Secretary. Here he helps thousands more disabled people in solving their problems and helps them to live a meaningful life.  Read more...

Venkatesh Yethiraj

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"I stand only three feet and nine inches tall, but deeds and achievements on the sporting arena have made me tower over many of my contemporaries. I have bagged more than 19 international and 35 national medals in arena of paraplegic sports".  Read more...

Sai Padma


Today I walk, do all my works. I have great respect for my physical condition which made me realize life in real terms. A peaceful and happy person I am. The problems of humanity really move me. The love I feel for nature and humanity and some special people makes my heart mellow and relaxing.  Read more...

Giridhara Reddy Mucheli

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I had Polio in 1956 & I was almost normal up to 1997 when I had a freak accident involving my good leg i.e. the left one which resulted in fractures to the tibia & fibula. That was when I was 42 years. Now I find everything to be disabled unfriendly.  Read more...

Pradeep Raj

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At the age of two Pradeep Raj got afflicted with polio. His both lower legs were affected. Today, among other things, he is Paralympics player and has won many medals and awards. Pradeep Raj, a great personality, a spirited sportsman and above all a human being par excellence has been able to Cross the Hurdles coming his way.  Read more...

Purshottam Rathore

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Rathore passed his Graduation in Science and Maths. He had to travel about 18-20 kms daily to reach college by a bicycle. He got a scholarship and completed his Diploma in Computer science and Management with excellent grade. He started his career as a faculty in computer coaching in his own computer centre. It gives him immense pleasure to work with his colleagues, seniors and always help in supporting to discharge his duties with full confidence and determination.  Read more...

Nazir Kaderbhay: Admin Officer at Mphasis

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I got involved in gymnastics when I was 12 years old & was a national player. I was a star gymnast.I walked the thin air, literally. Loops, curves, double somersaults were passé for me.However, I had no idea how bad things could get and I was about to find out and my life would never be the same. From April 17th 1998, my life completely changed. One Friday evening, just "out of the blue" I lost my concentration during the practice session & had a major fall on my back & injured my spine. I became totally paralyzed (Quadraplegia) from the neck down within less than an hour.  Read more...

Rajni Garg: Senior Manager

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Rajni Garg was born in 1979 at Mansa in Punjab. Both her legs got affected by polio at the age of 1 year, which made her dependent on crutches for the movement. Life was full of challenges after that but she did not surrender to the situation.  Read more...

Chetan Sharma: Asst. Regional Manager

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Born on 23.04.1968 at Pilani (Rajasthan) I lost my eye sight due to eye cancer at the age of 3. I completed my schooling from a school situated at ajmer and could managed to secure 90th position in 10th standard in the entire state of Rajasthan competing with lakhs of students who were equipped with site. After completing my schooling  Read more...

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