Chapter IV Prevention And Early Detection Of Disabilities

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PwD Act 1995

Page 258

25. Within the limits of their economic capacity and development, the appropriate Governments and the local authorities, with a view to preventing the occurrence of disabilities, shall-

(a) Undertake or cause to be undertaken surveys, investigations and research concerning the cause of occurrence of disabilities;

(b) Promote various methods of preventing disabilities;

(c) Screen all the children at least once in a year for the purpose of identifying "at-risk" cases;

(d) Provide facilities for training to the staff at the primary health centers;

(e) Sponsor or cause to be sponsored awareness campaigns and is disseminated or cause to be disseminated information for general hygiene. Health and sanitation,

(f) Take measures for pre-natal, parental and post-natal care of mother and child;

(g) Educate the public through the pre-schools, schools, primary health Centers, village level workers and anganwadi workers;

(h) Create awareness amongst the masses through television, radio and other mass media on the causes of disabilities and the preventive measures to be adopted;