Objects of the Trust

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National Trust Act, 1999

Chapter 3 - Objects of the Trusts

The objects of the trust shall be:

1. to enable and empower persons with disability to live as independently and as fully as possible within and as close to the community to which they belong;

2. to strengthen facilities to provide support to persons with disability to live within their own families;

3. to extend support to registered organization to provide need based services during the period of crises in the family of persons with disability ;

4. to deal with problems of persons with disability who do not have family support;

5. to promote measures for the care and protraction of persons with disability in the event of death of their parent or guardian;

6. to evolve procedure for the appointment of guardians and trustees for persons with disability requiring such protection;

7. to facilitate the realization of equal opportunities, protection of right and full participation of persons with disability; and

8. to do any other act which is incidental to the aforesaid object.

Chapter 4 - Powers and Duties of the Board

The Board shall:

1. Receive from the Central Government a one-time contribution of rupees one hundred crores for a corpus, the income where of shall be utilized to provide for adequate standard of living for persons with disability;

2. Receive bequest of movable property any person for the benefit of the person with disability in general and for furtherance of the objectives of the Trust in particular:

Provide that it shall be obligatory on the part of the Board to make arrangement for adequate standard of living for the beneficiary named in the bequest, if any and to utilize the property bequeathed for any other purpose for which the bequest has been made: Provide further that the Board shall not be under any obligation to utilize the entire amount mentioned in the bequest for the exclusive benefit of the persons with disability named as beneficiary in the bequest;

3. Receive from the Central Government such sums as may be considered necessary in each financial year for providing financial assistance to registered organization for carrying out any approved Programme.

For the purpose of sub-section (1), the expression "approved Programme" means

1. any Programme which promote independent living in the community for persons with disability by-

i. creating a conducive environment in the community;

ii. counseling and training of family members of persons with disability;

iii. setting up of adult training units, individual and group homes;

2. Any programme which promotes respite care, foster family care or day care service for persons with disability;

3. Setting up residential hostels and residential homes for persons with disability;

4. Development of self-help group persons with disability to pursue the realization of their rights;

5. Setting up of local committee to grant approval fir guardianship and

6. Such other programmes which promote the objective of the Trust.

While earmarking funds for the purpose of clause:(c) of sub-section (2), preference shall be given to woman with disability or to persons with severe disability and to senior citizen with disability.

Explanation:- For the purpose of this sub-section, the expression;-

1. "Persons with severe disability" shall have the same meaning as is assigned to it under sub-section (4) of section 56 of the persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act, 1995;

2. "Senior citizen' means a person who is above the age of sixty-five years or more.

Chapter 5 - Procedure for Registration

1. Any association of person with disability, or any association of parents of persons with disability or a voluntary organization whose main object is promotion of welfare of persons with disability may make an application for registration to the Board.

2. An application for registration shall be made in such form and manner and at such place as the Board may by regulation provide and shall contain such particulars and accompanied with such documents and such fees may be provided in the regulation.

3. On receipt of application for registration, the Board may make such inquires as it thinks fit in respect of genuineness of the application and correctness of any particulars thereon.

4. Upon receipt of such application the Board shall either grant registration to the applicant or reject such application for reasons to be recorded in writing:

Provided that where registration has been refused to the application, the said applicant may again make an application for registration after removing defects, if any in its previous application.